Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 29, 2008

Socializing with Neighbours

As I was working till October 2007 I didn't have time to socialize with my neighbours mostly because of my odd shifts. I would be awake when they were asleep and I would be asleep when they were awake. Now I have ample time to invest in gossipping,talking about other families,discuss the daily soaps and all these under the name of socializing.

After the wedding season was over I had time now to clean my house. I realized it was domestic violence as there was no maid to do the household work. What I meant was, I realized it when I started doing all by myself but never thought of it when my hubby was doing all these by himself. Anyway now that I'm home I started sweeping,mopping,cleaning dishes and cooking. Poor me?? is that what you are thinking, I agree !

One fine day, I swept my house and mopped the entire house all by myself and rearranged my clothes in the wardrobe. By then it was 4pm and I hadn't had lunch. Though I was hungry I wanted to take shower.Once I was out of the shower and about to prepare lunch,there was a knock on the door. When I answered ,I found my neighbour and her 2 and 1/2 year old kid. I checked if she cared for some tea and snacks but she said she had just finished her lunch and came up as she was not feeling sleepy. I smiled with great difficulty. She said she got a haircut for herself and bought new diapers for her daughter.The topic was very exciting but my stomach was not ready to listen to what she was saying.I know it's not stomach that aids hearing but my stomach switched roles with my ears temporarily.

I had changed the spread on the seater in the hall on the same day and the kid was standing ,jumping and having all the fun without even taking her shoes off.My neighbour smiled and said " My daughter never takes off her shoes as she feels cold and she wears it everywhere." I smiled speechlessly.She continued " She likes writing as and when she gets a pen and she has written on all the walls in my house".Just then the small wonder found my hubby's favorite pen and started drawing modern art on the walls.I was dumbstruck at her talent and was at loss of words again. I was happy for once that she was not on my new white spread.

Then she started complaining that her daughter had not yet started speaking and comparatively it was late for the kids of her age. She said it was hard to understand what the kid spoke.Just then the daughter tried to say something but before the Mom could understand she wet the floor. That was not it.She started walking on it and then jumped on to my new white spread.By then her hubby called and she wanted to leave. Kid was not ready to let go of the pen and I was not worried about it at all. I gave the pen cap as well and was happy to see them off.

Now I know what it takes to socialize with neighbours !

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