Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

January 19, 2010

.......what makes a mother ?!

During different phases of life we tend to have different role models depending on the role we are playing or closely associated with and so did I.The moment I had Neil in my arms I knew it was time to change my role model to become what I should be as a mother.

When I was at the hospital everytime I opened my eyes I would find Neil being attended by my SIL and every one of those times I would hear my sister asking if I wanted something bending over my face.My eldest sister paid a visit only to be overjoyed to see a baby boy in the family(we are four daughters,me being the youngest and all my sisters have daughters too).

Then the day came to leave for home with my dad & sister(who was with me at the hospital)and Eddie drove us all home.On the way home I could see the pictures of the women, who have been mothers,rolling over the back of my head.Neil was sleeping peacefully in the arms of my sister.

Finally we pulled over and my family-lot along with neighbors gathered around the car to welcome Neil.I was happy to see the attention he got from everybody.My sister got down and became one among many,Ed got out to help dad with bags.Since mine was a C-section,I was still feeling a sort of discomfort and was making an effort to get out.Just then the car door opened and a bony hand stretched out to help me.Right then it struck to me like a thunderbolt,amidst all the joy making sure your child is all well is what makes a mother.I looked at my mother holding her strecthed-out hand and smiled !

January 14, 2010

I am not a Patriot !!!???

Social-study or Social science,either ways I find it funny because the subject covers anti-social topics.In first place I hated this subject since I was in school because I thought of it as useless.Well,some people in our country are very fond of useless stuff hence they use it often to bring revolution or so they name it.

Globe is formed using a lot of lines.We draw lines,borders and separate ourselves from others and fight for no body's land to give up life which is supposed to be very sacred act.Whose idea is this?A common man isn't worried about the area of the country.Thousands of people lose lives fighting to protect somebody else's idea,ideals and principles who will never be among the fighters.Why don't we realize that there are people living on the other side of the border just as this side?

We have never learnt to accept things be it people,religion,culture,language,etc.I find it funny when people ask me 'So what have you named your son?,a hindu name or christian?' , 'Just wait to hear what he speaks,will he speak your language or your hubby's?','where are you taking him to tonsure his head?'.Why are people so curious???If this is how it's going to be then my son won't be a patriot because I'm not one !