Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 29, 2008

Media Movies and Family

It's rightly said that movies and media change the thought process of people for good or bad. My 8 year old brother (if you are wondering whether I really have a 8 year old bro then you haven't read my prev post about my family) always enjoyed doing his homework after 8pm for the reason that he would get less beatings from my mother while doing it as she would be more interested in watching her daily soaps than helping my bro do his homework. My brother is not always happy to see my mom watch her favorite TV programs,when it's his Pogo time or time for his favorite cartoon show he tortures my mom like anything.

The other day I asked my mom about her daily soaps and asked what was so interesting about it. She said it had drama,emotions,thriller and they even ask for valuable votes of people who watch.My 8 year old brother quickly said " Then you can watch any News channel.You even get to watch different people". My mom couldn't say anything and she just stared at him helplessly. Thinking my brother was too smart I took him to watch Taare Zameen Par (if reader's haven't watched the movie,it's about a dyslexic kid),after having watched the complete movie my bro said " Don't you think just letting him not to go to school would have solved all the problems?" I felt sorry for myself for having conveyed the wrong message to him.

He watched this movie 'Cheeni Kum' recently when it was telecasted on Sony TV sometime ago. When I went to visit him he said he wanted to watch a 'A' movie,thanks to Swini Khara(the kid who's in Cheeni Kum).My eldest bro was waiting for my response ,i'm sure it was him who passed the bucket to me. It was my turn to look helplessly at my Ma and Pa.As my eldest brother was very irritating by deliberately putting me in that situation and kept on adding to the fire now and then I decided to buy a CD for my youngest bro. After a few days ,I went home when my eldest brother was also there and handed over the CD.As I removed the cover,my bros couldn't get to know what was it.Even before my little brother open it,the big one got so excited and snatched it from him only to run to his computer room. After couple of minutes he returned with the CD looking very disappointed. I winked and smiled at him and now my I handed over the CD to my mum " Ma,it's a 'A' certified movie,'The Passion of the Christ',the entire family can watch together."

My little one didn't know the difference and switched the channel to pogo.I had a broad smile on my face when I looked at mum only to find her in deep thoughts.When I asked her about the same she said " I'm scared now,your Pa has also watched Nishabd" !

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