Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

January 28, 2009

Statutory Warning: Adult Content - Go Multiply !

Indeed,I was not sure if I had to tag this post of mine with a statutory warning 'Adult Content' as I felt like using all sorts of words for those who under the name of moral policing tried to control other human beings called WOMEN by using a method called Molestation.I guess I should just add the word 'Moral Policing' under beep words in the dictionary of sensible people.

When those leaders apologised for the methods used by their activists but stood by the intentions behind it,said they gave the status of mother to women.I ask them,who are they to GIVE any status to anybody? How qualified are they to reward women with some status or titles ? Is their only qualification being born as Men ???!!!

This guy,one of the readers of TOI's blog, has left a comment appreciating the intentions but disapproving the act.He says(copied as it is) 'Hindu women is not expected to indulge in entering a place(he means PUB and not loo) meant for only gents and behaving unbecoming of the stature of a respected Hindu ladies.and taking drinks on par with gents.' Do we,women want to be rewarded by men like this one,what are we....crazy or stupid? Have we ever said we have set Men as a standard to compare ourselves with? Is there something called Intellectual Thought Process left in these kind of people?

I don't feel any need for these independent bodies who establish themselves as fungus causing a threat to the hygiene of the society.As I come to the end of the post,I feel a lot calmer than when I started writing it.So now I can simply use a decent word and say 'Go Multiply,you guys '.I have used this phrase in one of my previous blog posts but again I want to use it here,these men give me a complex.........a SUPERIORITY complex.

January 22, 2009

I'm the reason for spreading a healthy habit !!

Does it come as a little surprise when men surrounded by women hesitate to look up/at them and enjoy ????? Well,not to me anymore. I witnessed this kind of act when I went for my doctor's visit.Yes,it was the gynecology/Obstetrics department and all the expectant mothers were lined up waiting for their turn to visit the doc.

Men accompanying most of the women had put their head down and were trying hard to concentrate on something on the floor.Since I couldn't locate anything interesting on the floor,I asked my hubby what were those men doing.He said "They are embarrassed to hold their head high and straight". I asked him for the reason to which he said " They might have thought they had done the biggest manly thing which is manifesting in this form to show the entire world their power as a man but after coming here they might have found out that any Tom-Dick & Harry could do that".I didn't get what he said (as I'm too innocent to understand all that) but I nodded my head in agreement.

As we reached there,my hubby went in the direction of pharmacy to get a bottle of water and I went in the direction where people were lined up for check-up.As I found some place next to a man I sat down almost at the same time he got up and rushed his way.Upon my hubby's return,I told him what happened and asked him " Why would he rush like that? He went no where but across the hall to find some place and sit down?" My hubby looked at my tummy and said " My dear,this is one of those times people don't want to be recognised for someone else's deeds."

Trust me,these doctor visits help women break their shells and have a open mind towards so many things which we wouldn't experience otherwise.They exchange a large amount of information and become friends by the end of gestation period.I have heard them discuss about their hard work,pre and post actions,planned and unplanned results (some had twins inside),their first few consultations and the questions they were asked,etc.What I learnt from my visits?? Well, it's Patience,waiting outside the loo in the gynecology department every time I felt like visiting it as all expectant mothers would repeat the action many number of times during the entire time period.

One good things is,my doctor visit gives me a lot of time to finish either a book or at least a chapter depending on my token number and now my hubby started following my footsteps (reading the book and nothing else) too :) I'm the reason for spreading a healthy habit,rite?

January 07, 2009

The otherside of me...!

Generally,I don't follow the TAG rules.If I get tagged I ignore it.But this friend of mine made it really interesting for me and I took it up.Again,not following all the rules he put forth (he knows me too well to stop me from doing it) but, I'm following only first 3 of the 5 rules,which are,
  1. Link the person who tagged you
  2. Mention the rules on your blog
  3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours

Here I am,unfolding the other side of me before you all :

1. Maintenance (Housekeeping):I'm very particular about this one.I don't like things being moved to other place. If I keep the masala (spice) box on the right side of the stove,it should always be kept there though I don't have a reason why shouldn't it be moved.

2. Buying Pickles: I have to buy a bottle of pickle every time I go out for grocery shopping.We replaced our refrigerator with a 340 Lt one as the place was not sufficient inside and now other than the vegetable and fruit cabinets,rest is taken over by bottle of pickles.

3. Correcting people: I have this tendency to correct people if they use wrong pronounciations or make wrong sentences (be it in any language,as long as I know I correct them).It's not that I'm perfect but if I notice somebody is not,then I get to them(to be precise, I get on their nerves).Most of the time,it's my hubby and I wonder why he speaks very less of late.I even corrected a sales girl at this shop when she was mispronouncing 'lingerie'.

4. Flair for change : Except for friends and family,I like to keep changing most of the things.I keep changing not only my hairdo,wardrobe,cell phones and also email IDs,blog addresses,telephone numbers.Yeah,it sounds crazy but it's true.

5. Pre-requisite to reading : Before I take up a book for reading,I need to have a bookmark handy.I buy more number bookmarks than the books.I hate when people fold the corner of the page to mark where they left it at.So I pick up a bookmark and then look for what I want to read.There were times,when I was at college my friends used to gift me with dozens of bookmarks on all the occasions.I must admit most of them were unique and artistic and I still have them all.

6. Setting the clock : I set all my clocks ahead of time but not to the same time. The difference in time should be at least 5 mins from one clock to another.I know it's insane but that makes me feel I still have time to get ready or complete my work.My kitchen,living room,bed room,study room and my wrist watch all are set to different time and so is the clock on my computer.I even remember setting it to a different time zone on my system to check how funny could it get.My friends found me funnier than what I felt about my own act.

It's only so much so far(to disclose) and I'm glad this friend of mine limited writing to only 6 of them.Otherwise I wouldn't have had any other side but this one :)