Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 29, 2008

My childhood Hero

As a kid,if you have admired a character from the books you have read they form the base of your idols,ideals and interests.Close your eyes for a while and try to recollect who was your favorite character/hero during your childhood days (it's very natural,if you are at work,to think of the deadlines,coffee/smoke breaks,performance ,etc when you close your eyes).

I told my hubby that Phantom was my favorite hero during my childhood days and he still is.To which his response was "Is it because he wears it outside?" . His naughty smile encouraged me to speak more so I said " As long as he has one on,it doesn't make any difference to women".

He continued " I guess Phantom was a model those days..."
I asked happily : " Why? Because he had a great physique?"
He winked and said : " No he could wear different brands and show off easily . I don't think he even needed a green room."
I retorted : "Like anyone needs it now.It's even become a fashion under the name of wardrobe malfunction."
He was not the one to stop : "So Geeths,tell me what would he do during emergencies....you know as in...."
I cut him off : " Why would you care?,if allowed you guys will have a BPI project done and make a presentation as well."

My hubby knew he was getting on my nerves so he wanted to calm me down,he said " No sweets,not like that.I know you are not liking this. It's alright baby,we won't make any presentation" and turned the TV on only to find "The Phantom" on HBO at which both of us laughed.

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