Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

March 20, 2014

I proved Newton wrong !

You know how we learn to speak for first 3 to 10 years of our life and then spend rest of our life learning how to shut up, does anyone else find it difficult too or is it just me? This 'shut-up' technique looks simple but as the saying goes, it is deceptive, right? Those, who have said wise things, are not dependable either as they don't tell you the technique but only give you the end result, so much like life itself. As it is life is such a hard teacher, she gives you the test results first and then the lessons !

I have stopped trying to be wise now-a-days. Newton did say that the action and reaction are equal and opposite but he was so wrong. You try to do something wise and in turn you end up looking twice stupid. Aha, Professor Newton, proved your theory wrong.... SCORE!!!! So I'm doing the next best thing now, trying not to look stupid. And how does that look so far? That's a potboiler for my next post probably.

When do you kick yourself more, When you don't say anything or when you say something and look like a errrr,what's the word, Loser? Actually we all have a Savior right inside us and that's why they say 'cross your heart' when you are saying something.That Savior is hanging inside by your tongue and shoving it through your epiglottis so that you swallow it. But as it is always the case, there should be a Satan inside too. Since he feeds on your dilemma ,he gets bigger and bigger each time you are feeling something like that. And then what follows becomes history ,etched in your memory, green greener and greenest forever !!!!!

Huh, by the way, Satan is double powerful and is directly proportional to the stupidity showcased ! 

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