Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

December 06, 2008

We are dynamic !

How dynamic are we? Our focus keeps shifting from one to another with the frame of time.Till the beginning of this week we watched,read,spoke about Mumbai Terrorist Attacks and today it's changed to Mumbai Politicians' Attack.All we keep hearing now is new CM of Mumbai and Rane accusing Ashok Chavan & Sonia Gandhi.Ever body's a** is on the fire but for different reasons and everybody has to watch their back carefully.Is this why we have democracy?

There happens a rally in Bangalore which jams traffic for nearly a day,ruling blames it on opposition and opposition blames it on impatience of urban residents.The question is not who wins in the argument but the question is,the insensitive people elected by us take no ownership of any such events.Is this why we have democracy?

We the people of India,keep blame it on everybody else.So what resolutions have we made to change it and be stuck to it? How many of us have decided to ,
  • Use the right of Voting
  • Be vocal about what we want with right people
  • Fight for right reasons
  • Be the change we really want to see in others

We all know we are not a secular country.Just by living under the same geographical conditions no nation gets secular.We know the tolerance level for each other here.Small issues are made bigger,like;

  • Mr.Bachchan opening a school in UP faces opposition in Maharashtra.
  • Karnataka opposes Cauvery Water Release to TN.
  • Abhinava bharath acts against other religions.
Thanks to the terrorists for making US and UK nationals their obvious targets for we have the biggest powers of the world pushing us to fight.I don't even want to imagine what would happen if they were not with us.We are neither democratic nor secular,we have never been one but definitely DYNAMIC.


  1. Very thought provoking!!! The four points you mentioned will surely make the democracy work.

    As of now we just exercise the vote ( who ever does vote)and Forget. We don't start any dialog with politicians about what and how he is going about his job. Now with RTI available we sure can get to know what work he is up to if we want.

    Secularism again is a very misunderstood word in India I guess and the politicians use it to divide us at every given chance to score against the opposition. The only way to change this would be to vote for better of the lot politicians.

    I was reading an analysis about the just concluded elections in 5 states that the party with better governance has been voted to power. I hope this a small step in the right direction.

    Are we dynamic or survivors? I guess we Indians are survivors and that makes us dynamic.

  2. Thanks.I agree and hope all of us change for better reasons :)
