Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 01, 2014

Retrouville - Courtesy : WORDPORN FB page.

Rediscovering what I left behind more than a decade ago which is an integral part of me and who I am, was more joyful than I thought. The entire map has got a new outlook but I found out that some people , who have always mattered to me, have not changed , atleast not as much as I thought. But again, I'm not always right, am I?

I grew up among women who were strong minded and did what they always wanted to. Today, if I recollect my childhood memories I don't find a single one without my sisters being associated with it. I was always taken care of, looked after and tended to. They have all been my mothers at one point or the other. I may not be as strong minded as they are but I've a bit of all of them in me. Somehow my sisters always knew what was right and they were all on their best behavior. I have tried, believe me I have but failed as many times as I attempted, they must have set the bars really high !!!! The first thing comes to my mind when I go back home is how pampered and protected I was ! Being the youngest has its perks, what do you say ???!!!

I love the fact that my parents never really imposed anything on us and let us be what we wished to be. I guess that's why all four of us are much similar and yet extremely different from one another. We actually lived a carefree life and continue to do the same even now.

  • We would hang out till late ( No questions asked). 
  • Our friends used to stay over (this is even before we heard of 'slumber parties' ).
  • Chose to study what we want ( and all four of us ended up studying very different courses but ended up not using any of it!).
  • Never imposed any caste, religion based obligations and never pushed us to be the conventional ones ( I guess that's why we are weirdos today but we all enjoy being that!)
I 'm ever grateful for having a family like that who's not theatrical but sensible enough not to step into each other's space.

Then come the people of my small town. It's really nice to meet people who have been that part of your life which happens to be the actual 'growing-up years'. My childhood friends are not just individuals, I have a relationship with their entire family. I'm one of their kids, so now when I visit them with my husband , he becomes the son-in-law for them and just for that he gets a royal treatment from everybody! Ahhh, how nice to be back home and look at all those wonderful people and be thankful that I still have them in my life.

Map was disoriented but not the people. I forgot to thank one of my childhood friends who lent his two wheeler to us to roam around. I didn't thank any of them back home as I knew I was going back there and I couldn't thank enough even if I said it every time I went there. And the only thing that still breaks my heart is the fact that a piece of my heart went missing and there's no way for me to find it as long as I live !!!!

p.s :  Retrouvaille - " The joy of meeting or finding someone after a long separation or rediscovery. (Courtesy : WORDPORN ,fb page)

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