Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 17, 2014

Botox and PM-S !!!

She says :

" Important disclosure: I have asked approximately a hundred women this idiotic question: Would you marry XYZ ( naming a prominent powerful leader) ?" and I wonder, really? this is that 'important disclosure' ?
The entire nation is in labor waiting for the arrival of their leader and all you are worried about is whether he's a marriage material or not? If menopause cannot make a woman wiser what else would? At the top of my head..... nothing !!!

I'm not in favor of the man in question politically but I'm worried about the reputation of lady-journalists being blown away. She goes on to say "He's full of himself, he doesn't speak, he thunders. He talks at people, not to them.....blah,blah blah". Woman, he's driving people across the nation, what do you expect? You want him to take you out on a date and listen to your botox talks? Have you lost it?  Know the difference between the one who is contesting for PM elections and the one who's looking out for a woman who's attained PMS status !!!

" He's not the sort of guy you take home to your mother,he appears arrogant and dismissive, self-absorbed and conceited. Chicks like appreciation... compliments " she says. I mean really????? He's a politician for godsake and he's not waiting for your mother's approval. Yes,chicks like compliments but they also like a powerful leader who can empower women. I'm sure chicks don't lust for a 65+ politician, if it's anybody then it's those irrational women who have lost their minds as they start to age  .....by the way how old are you?

This woman, who calls herself a feminist, is stereotyping women and this is exactly I hate in those women who say they are feminists. Is this what upholds your womanhood? Talk about leadership, type of govt. we want and not if each candidate is a marriage material or not. And now, keep your legs crossed and let your grey cells do some work too !!!!

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