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Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 21, 2010

I was Head Over Heels with Kishore...!!!!!

It was raining this afternoon and hence the climate was cool.Most of the time we all prefer to get inside the blankets and stay put until we are tired of lazing or sleeping.But there are those rare moments when you think of the company while experiencing a pleasant weather amidst hot summer days.Rain,Coffee and Music what a great combo,none of the multiplexes can offer a thing close to that.

We generally like the kind of music we grew up listening to.There's a huge difference in the music now and then.Probably my son will cherish today's music but for me,it's always the era of Kishore and Rafi......These days,people are in a hurry to compose music to make it popular and we have singers like Anu Malik and Himesh.I don't know if anybody wants to listen to their music when it's raining.You don't worship your music,it won't feel divine; as divine as Kishore makes me feel with 'Rim jhim gire saawan...',or Rafi with 'Ehsaan tera hoga mujh par...'....it's a pretty big list.

It was the kind of music/voice that touched people's souls,made them fall in love.It was no fault of mine if I were head over heels with Kishore or felt like saying 'Qubool' to Rafi!!!!!They always made sure everbody had their heart in the right place.They have almost covered all the areas of human emotions with their song,so it's like there's a song for each season.I would like to say a lot about Lata and Asha as well but it won't fit the frame in which I adore the male singers! Hehehehe,but that's not an excuse not to talk about them,probably next season!

(It's just a rainy day and a post under the influence of caffeine).


  1. Hey Pakhs,good one and I completely agree with you.you can also add Mukesh and Manna Dey to your list.You r right,We have grown up listening to all these great singers. We r so lucky to have such a wonderful childhood.No Ipod, no laptop,no cellhpone,no CD/DVD player..it was only TV with DD or Radio with multi channels which gave us acces to these beautiful songs,I truely cherish those moments. And about new music...it wd never reach to that level.Infact,it is disappearing in no time n to top it all,reality shows r making it more worse.From 3yr to 80 yr old can become stars over night & surprisingly,they don't need to have classical background!Hmmm..but the great old songs and singers are ever green & irreplaceable...hats off to them!!!
    cheers & keep writing:)
    Mrudula Jois

  2. Gee... i agree.. sometimes it is great to listen to them. takes you off to a different place.. hope you know what i mean..

  3. A Mridula : Rightly put Peelu. Mukesh,Manna Dey and the composers too did a wonderful job which can never be forgotten.
    @ Sriram: Yeah Sri, I know what you mean :-)
