Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

January 28, 2016

I choose Brave and not Barbie!

My little monkey girl seems to have got flubbers under her foot. I like how she jumps around, climbs up all the furniture, restless every minute when she's up. She likes to dance to the tune of some of my favorite tracks, no clue how she gathered that information though. She likes to make weird sounds and shriek with joy when she watches us admire her. The mother in me wants her to stay like that forever, freeze the moment, put a lid on my pickle and keep it with me for all the eternity. 

She's growing, I wonder I fear. She shakes her head and her thick black curly hair sways rhythmically challenging the wind and breeze. She screams with overwhelming joy throwing her pillows and toys out of her crib, she measures the carpet area when she's down on her feet. She's unruly and carefree, she's stubborn and persevere, she's loud and celebratory, she's all that one loves to be and much more. More importantly, she's mine!

And the fresh change is that, she's not much different from her brother. She loves cars and other vehicle toys, for some reason she seems to find the stuffed toys repulsive and I'm completely ok with that. Sometimes when I go looking for toys for little girls, these shopkeepers come up with dolls like barbies and alike and I ask why? I remember, all four of us hated barbie dolls when we were young since it imprinted definition of beauty in the  young minds and barbie still stands for that rancid thought. 

When I want my little girl to explore beyond all the limits, why would I want her to play with something that comes with 32' 24' 36 limit. Do these makers think that we want our daughters to get inspired by Kardarshians? Big boobs and bigger butts are not called ambition, it's called cosmetic surgery. I hope and pray that people stop buying these ridiculous ones for their young ones if they want them to be something other than synthetic tanks. 

I also wish they banned brainless fairy tales, why would any sane person wants to feed their little girls with irrational and baseless stories? Mine may not become a kick boxer or she just might but I don't want her to wait for some prince charming to rescue her. The new generation animated movies are more hopeful. Merida from Brave could be a role model. Brave shows that little girls don't have to be dreamy, naive and ready to fall in love always. They can be as real as they want to, as crude and unlady like, as long as they nurse an ambition to become something other than the damsel in distress. 

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