Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

February 11, 2014

New leaf turned over !

Moving is painstaking and yes, it's inevitable. It's physically draining and emotionally exhausting ( did I mismatch the words?). Nevertheless, when your kid starts to enjoy the new place it's all worth it, isn't it? Now it's upto adults to cope with the new place and newest neighborhood. As well as the kids are concerned they are like magicians, you begin to wonder ' when and how did they become so adaptable?' (inspite of all your effotrs ;-)! ) 

At times, I enjoy the conversations with new people. For example what happened today in the park,I met a lady who struck a conversation.

Her: What's his name? ( pointing at my son)
Me : Neil
Her: Is it ' N-double e-l'?
Me : That too but this one is 'N-e-i-l'.
(Hmmmm, really? how does that matter when you don't have to spell his name every time?)
Her : And your good name?
Me  : Will the  bad one do?
Her : -blank-
Me  : ( huh, such a PJ), It's Geetha but I don't know if it's good !
 ( I almost bit my tongue when I realized I said it out loud. It sounded so much better inside my head, trust me it did :-( ).
Her :  No No, everybody's name is good.
Me  : Well yeah thanks ( I asked for it!).

Sometimes I wonder if I'm socially challenged. What do you all think? Wait.... don't answer that !!!! But the last one reminded me of one of the t-shirts I had when I was in my 20s. It was written ' I'm one of those bad things that happen to good people' ! Hehehehe, I felt it was very cool until now but I guess 30s is not for that kind of show-off !


  1. Time to wear the T Shirt again and think like the 20s

    1. Doesn't fit me dear. Just like the age, the body has also moved on to 30s !!!!!

  2. Good one Pakhs!! :) It just means you have a good sense of humor ;) - which si a trait many people might not always share with you !!

    1. Thanks Pachchu, you always make me feel better :-)

  3. GG, too much Ya. I think ur habbit of penning down short stories have made u an intellectual. u always had this spontaneous action. Buy a plain t-shirts and paint I am the good thing that happens to bad people.

  4. GG, U R TOO much Ya. Your habbit of penning down things has made even more sharper. I think it is time u started wearing t-shirts I AM A GOOD THING THAT HAPPENS TO BAD PEOPLE.

    1. Hehehehe, Ashoka, don't make me fly now and I know you are not bad ;-)
