Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

September 19, 2013

" What's,in your case, an aphrodisiac?

                 It's commonly said that 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' (Ahem Ahem, I wonder if they measured it a bit too high !)

 I always wondered how it could ever be true since everyone has a stomach to satisfy with good food, so I thought let's not be sexist when we say that U..N..T..I..L I came across an article which made me consider the saying and I began to believe as I read through. They say that the type of food intake has a direct impact on the sex life. when  'cooking and the way to man's heart' are involved in the same article it's hard not to read. Especially when you  have a foodie husband ;-) 

I found that some food can actually have an effect on hormones,brain chemistry,energy & stress levels. Some are psychologically suggestive and cause increased blood flow to the genitals! I never mulled over such things. In 17th century, grooms were carefully fed with all the aphrodisiac food before the wedding night. It sounds very sexist that they didn't care for brides. The funny part is, Avocado was referred to as 'testicle tree' as the fruits were hanging in pairs and would look very similar and therefore the catholic priests had banned having avocado...!!!! I 
It's worth imagining the look on their face ;-)

Sweet basil sauce is said to have your heart racing. This sauce is extensively used in making pastas. No wonder Italians are so romantic :-) Avocado basil,Figs,Almonds,Asparagus,Chocolate/Coco etc are all non-Indian products but we don't need to feel sad since these are easy imports. We anyway have our own share of aphrodisiacs like bananas,garlic  etc. After all, we are hardcore romantic too,aren't we?
So the moral of the story is " Way to a man's heart is through his..errr.... stomach ?! "

It's time to pause and think " What's,in your case, an aphrodisiac?....."

Mine....well,it's on my mind !

P.S: This is not the entire list of food. Google it up as and when it's necessary :-)


  1. Nice post Geetha..i have always been upto date with all your posts somehow missed this interesting one :) - Subashini

  2. Thanks Suba. That means a lot to me :-)
