Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

January 18, 2011

There's no 'secret ingredient' ...!!!

There's no secret ingredient as such !!!
My choice of animated movies are a very few as I look forward for a good message to children from the movie besides entertainment.I also have a theory as mentioned in My Analysis and Derivation - my previous post and hence I'm not a great fan of animated movies just for the sake of it. 

But when I was watching - Kung-fu-Panda,it was a totally different experience. I loved the movie as if I were a kid.I enjoyed watching it till the end and once I was done I loved it as a parent !! Yeah it had my formula in it. I will explain how with the following ;

  1.  It did have a common animal as the lead which is very popular among the kids - a panda.
  2.  It's shown very clearly that the panda was not born with any kind of extraordinary features and never shown to be a miraculous one except that it did become one on its own terms. There were no supernatural item involved except for the effort and confidence.
  3.  At the end, justice won over injustice, 'satya meva jayate'.
  4. As always said,last but not the least,it united with its family after the accomplishment.
       There was a simple and clear message for the kids in the movie.There's a scene,if you all remember, that Panda gets to know from his dad that there's no 'secret ingredient' as such to make something special except for believing that you are one. I loved the movie so much so that I made my hubby watch it with me again and also have a DVD of the same in my library so that we can watch it with our son when he's able to comprehend.

It's my idea of kids' stories,please share yours' so that I can fill up the blanks :-)


  1. I agree Vivek.That's one of my fav too :-)

  2. I totally agree! kungu Panda is indeed a movie with simple Information
