Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

May 31, 2010

Because it's real only then!

Lakshya was the first movie Ed and I watched together.Though we were not dating back in 2004,we just happened to watch a movie together.I miss watching movies with him in the theater(nah...nothing naughty,just watching.We have always watched only movies- may be boring but yeah,it's true!).There are a zillion things I miss doing now.
* Frequent visits to Coffee day/Barista.
* Ride on Ed's bullet.(We can still go for it on his pulsar but it won't be just two of us anymore and I won't be able to sit close to him whispering in his ears).
* Talking over cell phone.
* Walking on the green-grass holding hands.
* Waiting for each other at the end of shifts.
* Him dropping me home after my shift which would end early in the morning (around 5am/6am)

The list may go on but getting married was not an end to it.It was a new beginning.I loved all the things we did together(yeah,sure you can smile).Most of the time Ed and I used to have different shifts with different WOs.We managed through it.Waking up when the other came home,having coffee early in the morning like 2/3,Ed would even tell me what happened in my favorite soap the day I missed.It really was a different experience when we two got married.

Now that we have a baby and it's a no,no to go to a theater to watch a movie,coffee day,bike rides and watching soaps as well.We spend most of the time catering to his needs and then whatever we talk revolves around him.We sleep and wake up at his mercy!!!!This is one of the things I get to do when he's sleeping....recollecting what we did and it makes me happy that we have always been together!

I may miss the moments Ed and I used to spend together but today we are closer to each other than we ever were and I'm sure each phase of life will bring us closer to each other than the previous one.I guess,this is called bonding for life.I'm sure it has happened to many but it's special when it actually happens to you because it's real only then!


  1. I agree Gee. It's the same. Tho I just married and don't have kid yet. I feel like I am missing lotta things my wide and I did before we were married. Miss those days. I feel I have a lot lesser time with my wife than as a fiancé. How things change. Sometimes I feel I could rewind time to do all I missed in this time.

  2. Pakhi, memories are the best yes but you guys should go out more often....Maybe when Neil is 3?

  3. @Sri:As we don't have a rewind button the other option is only to try and do something different.Hope you will figure it out soon :-)
    @Pali:Yes Pali,we should but as you said I have little less than 2 years before we start going out like before :-)Even otherwise Idon't have any complaints....I never get enough of either the son or the dad !!!!

  4. Auntie... i know.. but its only a wish.. wish there was a rewind or a CTRL Z in our lives.. the thing about thinking about somethings like this, it makes u smile for that second at least..

    i know what u will say.. "Wake Up!!" Reality hits hard..

    I try.. i try harder.. lol.. Man proposes, God Disposes...

    i am in a different mood now.. not the place.. let me stop.. BTW.. need to say.. Very Well said..
