Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

March 20, 2010

Funniest was the Climax...!

Watching a movie is definitely a refreshment especially when you are a movie buff and you can easily be turned off if it's a great bluff.We(Ed and I) recently watched MNIK and was seeing the same stars above our head which was given to the movie by The Times and other known entities......all stars put together we could hardly make out the true intention of Mr.Johar-Khan!

I wonder what small people do when they get humiliated because big shots can afford to make movies just because they get(/feel) humiliated by the foreign security systems meant for everybody's safety!!!! When stardom gets to one's head they always expect to get exempted from everything.

We have plenty of hot blood running through our fat(!?) veins and it's carved in our (sub)conscious minds to memorize our religion and to stand by it so much so that even a differently abled (what is it... asperger's syndrome???)person is shown how great he is and it's not by his achievement or performance but by the religion he's born in. Why are we so insecure? Why do we need to make a movie to constantly assure ourselves of our identity? Why don't we follow actions or achievements???

Funniest was the climax where he gets to meet the president. I was not sure what was the point Mr.Johar-Khan was trying to prove? I feel sad for Kajol for having played a weak character. I liked Mama-Jenny though...quite a character!Anyway,movie was all about The Shahrukh Khan and there was nothing in it for the audience.I'm glad it ended and hope they don't come up with any sequel :)


  1. I like this review better than any of the start rating this movie had got :-)

  2. Good review Gee...though there was a lot of pity for Kajol's character or I mean Kajol herself:)

  3. looks like you were pretty upset (pissed) with watching the movie. lol..

  4. @ Sriram: Pissed is the right word Sri.
