Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

February 20, 2010

First unofficial Arangetram !

Everybody knows how much a mother cares for her child and I'm one such mother who cares for her son's hygiene. I'm always careful(sometimes too much,as my hubby feels) about where we take him and what touches his skin. We generally carry a bottle of sanitizer wherever we take him and offer it to whoever comes home!

Today was the first time we took him to a play ground where a corporate cricket match was being played(one of teams was Ed's office team). It was in the sunny afternoon where the heat waves were amplified to a greater frequency. Neil opened his eyes, for the first time, to a burning day-out and almost changed his color to crimson by the time we reached the playground.(Our car acted as a catalyst which was almost like an oven.)

His colleagues were happy to see Ed,a family man, after a long time. Neil widened his eyes and gave a broader smile to all of them which encouraged them to interact with him. Ed was happy showing his son the play ground and the fellow-players.He was just waiting to introduce Neil to cricket-accessories(bat,ball,gloves,pads,etc) and it was THE chance for him.Today,for the first time, neither the mud-packed trousers and jerseys or the dirty gloves stopped Neil from feeling what his Pa felt for cricket.Today was his arangetram.......though not official :)