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Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

December 15, 2015

Khans Retention Act of India!

India is under immense pressure to come out as a more secular country now than it ever was before. Oh boy, the pressure is so much that our judiciary system decided to rule in favor of a Khan under the herculean pressure of Khans Retention Act of India! I guess we are so scared now that our other two khans seem to have one foot each out of the country, we might run out of khans to display just in case if UN decides to ask their growth plan in order to derive at their pre-determined notion. 

Actually we have other khans too but it's just that their value addition individually or put together stands no chance against each of these 3 magnanimous Khandaans. Let's consider couple of them for a moment at least and then silently in our prayers later! 

Firstly Nawaab, he's like phantom and I guess,that's why he chose to do that movie too. Nobody knows him, nobody's seen him but we hear his stories now and then. We even tried to show our secularism by awarding him with one of the highest civilian awards but miserably failed to convince our own conscience. He bombs his own box office future and I guess, that's why he doesn't have a chance to blame it on anything or anyone. 

By the time this Khan aka Lunchbox Khan, delivers a dialogue our women can deliver 10 Nana Patekars who speak faster than a local train. If our Mr.India was not part of a few US projects, this khan would have surely been the Tom Alter of Hollywood. Since he shares negative vibes with his other lunchbox co-star, he doesn't get to blame anyone outside of that secular zone. 

Who else? I guess the rest of them are still in PIP or Nawab reservation category. They might be either regrouped under downsizing population or get undue advantage of their category. But we would still run out of Khan Growth Chart parameters if not for the famous trio.

 Incidentally all the Khans of Bollywood are married to women who are not from Khan families except for the one who fortunately escaped a jail term. That makes me think if they are hinting their in-laws' behavior or venting it out just to prevent washing their linen in public. Whatever the rubbish but it played in favor of this guy who now, should uphold how secular India is and blow its trumpets.

Vasudaiva Kutumbakam or Khaandan Kutumbakam???? I'm ok either ways because I'm that secular ;-) Right back at you Khans!

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