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Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 02, 2015

Screw it, it's my choice !

A fashion and lifestyle magazine that tells the entire world how to sit , stand and bend (!) today preaches the world what choices a woman should have. Ironic, isn't it? The magazine which was found to target aristocracy is giving options so limited to empower women, huh? I can think of hundred other things a woman can and must do beside what's being lip synced by the celebrity women to showcase feminism.

Vogues has been nothing but a judging entity (ironic again? ) since its first edition. Have you seen a woman/ man whose vitals doesn't match the standard set by Vogue on its cover or inside the book? It talks about equality something which is never practiced in its entire history of editions. At Vogue, they loathe every woman who doesn't measure up to their FQs (FQ= Fashion Quotient, though I would love to use the abbreviation to mean something better) and they pit women against women just because they are not suitable for their cover page. 

Finding Fanny was an extraordinary movie, I should say so because it was beyond my capacity to understand the reason why he even made the movie in first place. Isn't that why these intelligent directors make movies, to bounce over the heads of average minds? If it succeeded then it was fantastic. I don't understand why even Rohit Shetty, Farah Khan and Sajid Khan type of people make movies. Since they meet the criteria I must infer that they are intelligent directors too. But Homi stands out, he did shoot a good video supporting women and feminism. I'm sure he would go miles ahead. Good career move Homi, cheers!!!

What I fail to understand here is, the women who are featured. There's nothing 'my choice' in their entire career. They wear what's handed over to them, they speak what's told to them, they behave as the director wants them to. Basically they live someone else's life through out but they still believe they are the brand ambassadors of feminism or the brand 'women' all over the world. Just because you are provogued (!) and they put you up to this, making 'women' a brand and offered loads of money to endorse them, it doesn't give you any right to unclasp your bra in public and say it's 'my choice' on behalf of all the women. Has any of them realized how women are treated in most part of the conservative world and the word 'equality' is looked at as a sin. Do you think you are helping them by talking nonsense? 

 There are people who want to talk about the right to be born, educated, given an opportunity to work at par with men, participate in sports and so on. But these people are not featured in any such videos and Vogue couldn't care less. Because these are not glamorous. They are not ready to shed clothes and mouth the words that some men want to hear. These people have a 'cause' unlike the image of hippies that vogue is portraying. Please it's not kibbutz you are talking about, is it? It takes two to tango and one to hang yourself. I better do a tango and that's my choice because I care all whom I love ! 

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