Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

June 03, 2014

1 Like = 10 Respect

You know how you get that one email or an online post about the soldiers or people who who have braved all ? 1 Like = 10 Respect/Salute ? Does it irritate you as well ? I don't know how the brains of these morons, who forward such emails and posts, work? Or should the actual question be, if they really have one? You guys are so lazy that you are trying to equalize 'respect' with 'like' on the SNS (Social Networking Sites) and not just once but 10 times more!!!!. How about doing 10 sit-ups or push ups to show respect? Even then how does it make a difference to the person who has done great things in life ? Why don't you go meet them and do something that makes a difference to them than just showing the world that you are losing it!

And then there are these people who share disfigured people or babies and force you to like them? Again, what difference it makes to them in real life if et-al the picture is genuine. So now we use these 'Likes' and 'Shares' in stead of helping out people, is it? Amazing how we replace emotions and good deeds with e-life events!

Now there are these other people who are not less than the ones mentioned above. God fearing or loving people,I can't really say the difference though. These guys will warn you of the wrath you might bring upon yourself if you ignore or don't forward the emails or posts. It's like God checks his emails and Wall posts to see if people are compliant or not. The recent one being ' Satan will try to stop you from sharing but click share and defeat Satan' , are you kidding me? Now winning over Satan is as simple as clicking on share WOW! Wish our Gods knew this in the beginning it self and then we could all read it in our respective holy epics about being internet compliant since
our childhood. But it's our fault that we didn't invent these e-stuff much earlier.

I wish there was some rule to prevent these idiotic people from using cyber space and kick them out to acquire some common sense or atleast grow a pair.

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