Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 02, 2013

I have happily let them go !

Now a days people keep saying things like how these e-life has made people distant and lazy. I agree and disagree at the same time.Some of my friends had relocated by the time I went to high school and we would write long letters to each other. I would get atleast 1 letter every week from one or the other friend. I miss writing letters now ! Though  the Social Networking Sites(SNS) have helped me trace many of my lost friends and keep in touch with them now and then, I feel it's also driven some of my close friends away.

We get carried away so much that we feel it's ok not to have long and frequent conversation. We sometime get so lazy that we take an awful long time to respond. We take people for granted since we get to see them on SNS anytime we login and assume they are still the same just like how we remember them. I feel it's a wrong notion. People change and it's always for good. If I don't speak to them regularly I wouldn't know their frame of mind and it's not always true that we can connect to a good friend even if we don't speak to him/her for years.

The day I realized what I was doing to myself by blaming other people for the way they responded when I struck a conversation after long intervals, I stopped being what I was. In just a month or so I changed my routine. I have a few friends who are really interested in keeping in touch for all the right reasons and not because I impose! ( Yeah I never really thought I could be imposing too !!!!). Now I talk to them atleast once a week over the phone and meet up atleast 3 of them in a month.I have a couple of friends who are miles away but one of them keeps in touch through long emails which I have always liked to send and receive.  Atleast twice a month we write to each other about every small and significant things , we share our joy and offer comfort when needed.

I'm happy being in this space of mine and feel resolved. I get updates about friends (who really matter to me) from SNS which is a wonderful thing and also I involve myself offline more so that I get to hang out with those who have been an integral part of my life. As far as the rest of them is concerned I have happily let them go.It's not always possible to keep a friend closer to you just because you think s/he were close to you in the past but also someone who  has been a good friend may need more from you than just a 'comment' or 'like' on an SNS! There you go, it helps when you balance it out,staying connected is not about SNS always but may not be complete without that !!!!

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