Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

November 30, 2010

My hubby is smart and I am a Broadway actor :-)

Arms wide in the air - I am a Broadway actor!
" We shall surely make it if it doesn't rain" was my word(s?!) to a friend who called to invite us to his sister's wedding. As well remember,a fortnight it rained for a week or so everyday,thanks to JAL and therefore I was not very sure of driving from one part of Bengalooru to another on a Saturday evening.

Like a caring brother,he must have doubled his visits to the temple to ensure his sister's wedding was carried through without much of trouble or so I believe,otherwise why would the lord of rains Mr.Varundev took a break on that weekend.As a result,we drove down to that part of Bengalooru to attend the wedding reception and we were happy we could meet our dear friends after a long time.

Mostly,the wedding halls in Bengalooru don't have parking area in-built and I wonder why.Luckily this particular one did facilitate basement parking partially as some parts of it was being used as kitchen.So there was not much space to turn,reverse and all but we were happy we didn't have to worry about finding a place but one thing. Though there were a couple of them helping people park and retrieve,the entrance was very steep and it didn't occur to us as to how steep it was until much later.

Anyway,we entered the hall after having our car parked in the basement and met up with that friend whose sister was getting married and also with many others. Went through all the rigmaroles that one usually does from settling with friends in one corner to going up on the stage to wish the new couple and pose for the video/photo and then to the dining hall and then back to the exit.These circle of events were followed religiously,after all we have been doing this for many years now and now we are sort of experts when it comes to making a presence at someone else's family function even if the couple are known to us or not! Yeah,true but we make sure to have a present to compensate for the food !!!!

That night, we took leave and went to parking.I threw my handbag at the back and I exchanged my cell phone to my son who was with my hubby and we both sat down. Eddie came from other side,plopped himself in the driving seat,took out his wallet to pay the parking guys but as he had to move the car he threw my phone and his valet in the front to pay them once we were out.Once we all seated comfortably in my hubby accelerated to make the car climb up....vroom vroom vroom (hehehehe just like as induction motors.Isn't it?) but no,it wouldn't climb up. He tried several times and only then we realized how steep was it and there not much space behind to go back and try again.One of the guys over who were helping with vehicles offered to do that for us.Though my hubby was skeptical he agreed to let him do it for us and got out with some money in hand to give it to the guy who was going to help us and I was still sitting inside.That guy was very quick, he got in then vrooooooooooom and we were out.Eddie paid him and got back to the car and we moved.

Eddie was all praises for that guy and he was telling me he would do it if there was enough space at the back but he was impressed that the other guy did it with so much.We had moved a little ahead and he was done with talking about more exciting stuff like parking,just then I realized I had to return a call which was on hold since we were in the hall.When I looked to find my phone I couldn't and my hubby said he kept it with his wallet and neither we could find that one.Who could do that? who ELSE could do that???? We felt disappointed in that guy after having appreciated him to the glory :-(

We drove back and reached the place.Eddie didn't know what to say and he got out looking for the guy.He started walking towards him after spotting him out in some corner talking to another guy.Just then I heard a phone ringing and looked down in the direction under the driver seat.My phone was lying there next to Eddie's wallet and must have fallen down as the car was moving upwards on that steep path while moving out of the parking.I felt sorry for not having looked properly before blaming somebody.I didn't know what to do but I had to stop Eddie before he got into some awkward and embarrassing conversation with that guy,so I called out his name aloud and my god was I too loud because with him a lot of people turned to look at me and that guy was one among them.I smiled(trying to be gentle) and said to Eddie(not that loud again) " You could ask that guy" and pointed my phone held hand in the direction of the same guy.Eddie looked confused for a while but then (thanks to my overacting) he got the point once he looked at the phone in my hand and wallet in the other and both arms stretched out wide in the air like some Broadway actor!

After a couple of minutes,when he returned to the car I asked him what did he manage to tell that guy.He said he told him we got stuck somewhere getting out of that location so returned to ask somebody to help us out.
Hehehe,my hubby is smart and I am a Broadway actor :-)


  1. Lol, you somehow make everyday events sound interesting :-)
    Sad choice for the 'Headline' though, sumne 'TP' anta label madbodu...it was fun reading!

  2. Can happen onlyyy wid u :-)

    Yaar,i came on blogs after such along time, i got confused between FB and this, I was searhcing for the "like" button on this one !! :D

  3. @Shilpa: Will work on the title Pali :-)
    @ Santosh : Hehehehe,I will work on adding the 'like' button ;-)
