Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

April 23, 2009

Spring of ‘09

I owe a lot to all the channels and reality shows that have helped me build a lot of patience (waiting for the results at the end of each episode) and my unpreparedness for any early results. My final countdown hadn’t zeroed down and I had no clue it would happen 2 weeks in advance. It was the first day of New Year, Ugadi and as I had mentioned in one of my previous posts it was the time when first flowers started to bloom and leaves turned green.

I didn’t know the day was going to mean the same to me, beginning of new life .I ignored the hints as I wasn’t feeling that great on Friday and I was feeling bad for not celebrating the festival which was one of my favorite occasions. I spent the entire day struggling to feel good and to make my hubby feel better but as the day passed it got even worse. We decided to visit the hospital around 10pm.I was still unaware of the fact that my Ugadi celebrations, though late had begun by then.

I was confirmed of labor pain which was a much unnamed feeling I was going through till then. I had to wait till 3:43pm next day to welcome the first flower of my womb. Thanks to my hubby who stayed with me in the labor and I appreciate his patience and bravery who took all the hits, bites and pinches from me and silently went through more pain looking at me than I actually did till they said I had to get operated on to get the baby out.

I hardly remember signing on a paper which was followed by some group talks. I was moved here and there for some time and then for couple of minutes there was no pain absolutely and in no fraction of time there was somebody who was calling out my name to show a tiny little pink thing holding in hands and asking me to confirm the sex of the baby. Soon after that I was shifted to a stretcher and first thing I saw was the sight of my hubby and his first words were ‘It’s Neil’ (we had decided the names before hand as any enthu parents). I can never forget my hubby’s overwhelmed brightly lit-up face. We have another boxer in the family now!

And this is how my spring began this year. It has actually renewed all the aspects of my life and I believe that’s the magic of spring


  1. Welcome to the world Baby Neil!

  2. Notwithstanding the fact that its indeed the most special one, this post is my favorite for every single reason; its true, pure, crisp and is just too beautiful.

  3. Congrats geetha..very very happy for you and Eddie...Could you please let me know the hospital where Neil was born..coz Im very curious to know the hospitals in bangalore where husbands are allowed during the labour....:)

  4. Great !!!! :0) Party or no party I am really very happy for you. Wish you the very best in this phase of life ! :0)

  5. Thanks guys.Party is much later Santz.Subs,it was St.Martha's.Palu,I was expecting similar comments from u :) and Maddy uncle,thanks from Neil:)

  6. this is such a beautiful post on how both of you welcomed lil' Neil into the world. very touching, I loved it!

  7. I was born in St Martha's too :-))))))) more reasons to love Neil now!
