Disclaimer :

Disclaimer : More than half of it(contents of my blog) is fiction and intended only for entertainment. Not meant to be hurtful at all but if one or the other way it feels like that then it's purely unintentional and I hope for forgiveness !

January 28, 2009

Statutory Warning: Adult Content - Go Multiply !

Indeed,I was not sure if I had to tag this post of mine with a statutory warning 'Adult Content' as I felt like using all sorts of words for those who under the name of moral policing tried to control other human beings called WOMEN by using a method called Molestation.I guess I should just add the word 'Moral Policing' under beep words in the dictionary of sensible people.

When those leaders apologised for the methods used by their activists but stood by the intentions behind it,said they gave the status of mother to women.I ask them,who are they to GIVE any status to anybody? How qualified are they to reward women with some status or titles ? Is their only qualification being born as Men ???!!!

This guy,one of the readers of TOI's blog, has left a comment appreciating the intentions but disapproving the act.He says(copied as it is) 'Hindu women is not expected to indulge in entering a place(he means PUB and not loo) meant for only gents and behaving unbecoming of the stature of a respected Hindu ladies.and taking drinks on par with gents.' Do we,women want to be rewarded by men like this one,what are we....crazy or stupid? Have we ever said we have set Men as a standard to compare ourselves with? Is there something called Intellectual Thought Process left in these kind of people?

I don't feel any need for these independent bodies who establish themselves as fungus causing a threat to the hygiene of the society.As I come to the end of the post,I feel a lot calmer than when I started writing it.So now I can simply use a decent word and say 'Go Multiply,you guys '.I have used this phrase in one of my previous blog posts but again I want to use it here,these men give me a complex.........a SUPERIORITY complex.


  1. You could have been a bit more harder.

    These are the Duriyodanans, duchadhanans and ravanans of this society in the name of Ram sene. This is more an act of jealousy than care.
    Fight prostitution, eve-teasing or dowry. If Pub culture is not the right thing, then do a democratic fight, hold meetings, submit a request to the law makers, create awareness. You might even find some support from our health minister coz he desperately needs votes.
    Never take law into your hands, coz even others will have hands.
    Let Freewill prevail, people know their limits, if they dont, its their problem, you just take care of your heads, coz someone might be tempted to break it open to check if you have something inside.

  2. i feel, government should impose total pana nishedha. liquor is harmful to any human(any animal, if adicted) body. many people died, many are hospitalized, many relatives cried, many wives and mothers are suffering to have such drunkard people at home. this is not deffinitely an issue of equality, just to fight against these evils of society, which is eating away our youths. i insist muthalik or any person who is working for the society to force the government(rajakaranis) for 'total pana nishedha' if they have "guts".
